I'm in Love with Matt!
My wife showed me this video today. Maybe this is old hat to some of my friends, but it's brand new to me. This is a happy video. It's not funny, but it will make you smile. It's not sad, but it might make you cry. Please be sure to pause it as soon as you start it to let it load all the way. It's much, much better that way.
Watch it now before you read on.
All done? Beautiful, wasn't it? In this world full of hurt, hate, war, violence, crime, and AA's (you know who I mean, Joe!) it's moments like these that make you realize how little the heart of humanity really wants. Just to love, to smile, to dance, to forget about everything for a little while.
I don't know who this Matt is, but I like him already. I think you really have to love people for who they are to come up with something like this.
I was amazed. So many different people, from different places, different beliefs, different everything, yet did they not all understand this one thing? There were no language barriers, no philosophical gaps, no political divisions.
Just a song and a smile.
And a silly dance.