Blimey, That's a Cracker!
This is cracking me up.
Now I know that there is some athleticism to Cricket, so don't get me wrong. I mean, they do hit balls like baseballers do, and they have to run from wicket to wicket, over and over again, over a 3 to 5 day match sometimes. I get that.
But when you think of Cricket, you think of tea and crumpets, champagne brunch, British Royalty, nicely pressed uniforms, funny hats, and gentlemen dashing about a big oval leisurely shagging balls. You just don't think of juiced up mandroids like Barry Bonds and Jose Canseco, you know? I mean, look at the guys in the pics (there are a couple links on the page.) Especially Asif. He looks like he hasn't had three meals in a day ever.
Ah, anyway, doping in any sport is just sad and frustrating and unreasonable and disgusting.
Except when you're talking about Cricket. Then it's just funny.
I mean, how well does nandrolone go down with tea and crumpets?