Hide the Women and Children...Well, the Children Anyway
Hey, Mikey, he likes it!
Am I the only one that thinks this is about as creepy as it gets? Did Bernard Law have anything to do with this?
Let's see, I'm the dude who controls the "rights" to these prayers (jeez, that's another whole post right there.) I'm aware, as everyone else is, that the church is trying to recover from a crisis of confidence because a number of priests seem to like "playing" with little boys.
Now, these prayers are not just any prayers. They are the prayers of the most beloved Pope in many years, perhaps centuries.
So I'm going to go ahead and sell the rights to some guy who's going to put 'em to music.
Michael Jackson? You've got to be kidding. Why not O.J. Simpson? Robert Blake? Okay, so they probably can't sing worth crap, but at least there's not that creepy pedophile connection there. Hey! We're the Catholic Church and we're nothing if not consistent!
I'm sorry, but Michael is probably the guiltiest, freakiest guy ever to walk free.
Okay, maybe excepting O.J. and Baretta.